This is a video course inviting you to make some small changes that will help you transform your relationship. I talk about these and more in my book, Winning Your Relationship Game.
Introduction and Welcome
I give a broad overview of what to expect in the series of short, but impactful, videos.
Magic Moments-Lesson 1
I explain what the four magic moments are and why they can help you get closer to your partner.
The Magic Formula-Lesson 2
If you practice this formula, research tells us you'll win in your relationship. I explain what The Magic Formula is and how to incorporate it into your day to day.
Bids for Attention-Lesson 3
In this lesson, you'll learn how your responses can help (or hurt) closeness in your relationship.
The Lover's Embrace-Lesson 4
In this lesson, I demonstrate this nurturing embrace which enhances communication and discovery of each other.
The Six Second Kiss-Lesson 5
Saved the best for last! I've had couples do this one thing and turn it around! I'll tell you how and when to use this strategy.
Wrap Up
Now that you've learned some techniques, how can you use them?